All-Access Instruction
Transform your core content lessons to engage & support English learners in your K-12 classroom- without adding too much to your teacher plate!
Course opens again soon!
Join the waitlist to stay in-the-know!

question for you...
What will it take to fully support your English learners?
Here’s the thing: You already have what it takes! You have the skill, the enthusiasm, and absolutely the heart to make great teaching happen! But when it comes to your students still on the journey toward English fluency, you may just need the right strategies. Teaching techniques. Ideas that you can weave into what you’re already doing.
The beautiful thing is that your ELs are ready to learn, and you’re ready to teach them. And when you’re equipped with even the most basic scaffolding methods, it’s amazing what growth you will see in them! You deserve to have these methods in your tool belt, and your ELs deserve the best of you as a teacher.
Let me know if this sounds familiar...
- You have a newcomer student join your class, but you don't know how to help them.
- You see your English learners struggle to understand what's going on in your lessons.
- Academic vocabulary tends to be an obstacle to your ELs' comprehension of new content.
- You really want to do more for them, but you have so much on your plate, and not a lot of time for planning and finding resources.
if that sounds about right, then keep on reading.
You know things need to change...
… you hate to see your ELs disengaged or left out
… you’re tired of the nagging feeling that you should “do more” for them
… you’re discouraged by how long it takes to think of
ways to help
If They Could just get past the language barrier..
These are some super capable learners!
Some days you can almost see steam rising from their heads, they’re thinking so hard! You see them trying to focus. Wanting to learn. So interested in the topic. But you also see them…
Shutting down. Tired. Discouraged. Even giving up. You think, “If they could just get past the language barrier, they would be so into this lesson! They’d be able to collaborate, ask questions, and experience success!
It’s kind of a stinky feeling when you know your ELs are so close to having complete access to new learning, but the language barrier is ever-present.
it doesn't have to be that way.
Imagine how it would feel to...
… understand what your
ELs need
… wield language scaffolding strategies
like a pro
… confidently produce lessons that support ELs well

Success for your multilingual learners is within your reach, and I'm going to help you make it a reality in your classroom.
All-Access Instruction

A 6-week course for K-12 teachers, where you’ll learn how to level-up your lesson plans to support ELs in the mainstream setting and get the peace of mind you’ve been needing.
Curious to KNOW all the details?
Here's a peek at the course...
- Making it Manageable
- Equity & Inclusion, Rights & Responsibilities
- Collaboration is Cool: Partnering with Your EL Specialist
- Newcomers’ Unique Needs
- Cultivating Accessible Instruction with the KIS Method
Know Your ELs
- Why & How to Really Know Your ELs
- Using the EL Essentials Template
- The Low-Down on Language Development
- Academic Language: The Other “Foreign” Language
- “WI-DA Best!”: Proficiency Levels & Score Reports
Identify Where Language Lives
- Identify Where Language Lives
- Academic Language in Your Classroom
- Academic Language in Your Standards & Objectives
- Academic Language in Your Lessons
Scaffold & Support
- What, Who, and How Long? Scaffolding 101
- Three Types of Scaffolds
- Differentiating Scaffolds
- The Scaffolding Toolbox: Ideas at Your Fingertips
Application & Demonstration
- See practical examples and modeling of:
- the KIS Framework components
- scaffolding methods
- & grade-level application
Bonuses, Recommendations, & Resources
- WIDA Standards Mini-Series
- Where to Find Differentiated Texts
- Recommended Professional Books & Resources
- Tech Tools & Apps that Support ELs
- Supporting Newcomers in the K-6 Classroom -Guest Training
- And more!
And this is just the beginning!
There will be some amazing bonuses coming, in addition to these core modules!
I can't wait to share them with you when the course launches next!

MEET YOur coach
Hey there, I'm Courtney.
Courtney Morgan is a Multilingual Learner Specialist near Asheville, North Carolina. She has 20 years of experience as an elementary teacher, ESL teacher, and teacher education professor. Through The All-Access Classroom, Courtney equips teachers to confidently make their lessons accessible to multilingual learners.
National Board Certified
M.Ed. Multicultural Education
have a question?
I Got you.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, just have your administration email me at, and we’ll start the process! Here’s a flyer you can share with your administration!
Any K-8 educator who provides instruction to English learners in the content areas or gen. ed. classroom setting. This could be classroom teachers, EL specialists, or instructional coaches.
This would be a great course to go through with a team of your colleagues!
The course content will be shared through a series of six learning modules. You’ll have instant access to all modules upon purchase, so the learning is self-paced.
In addition to the course modules, you’ll have access to our private Facebook community.
You will have access to All-Access Instruction for as long as the course exists, including future updates and new content!
Yes! Upon full completion of the course, you’ll receive a certificate indicating the total contact hours for the course (6 hours). Acceptance of credits will be at the discretion of your school district.
You have the option of paying a one-time amount, or two monthly payments. The course platform and payment processing is hosted on Thrivecart, which is extremely secure.
There is a 14-day money back guarantee, if you’ve completed some of the course and find that it’s not a good fit for you.
This, and much more additional information (including bonus content!) will be announced during open enrollment, which is approaching fast! Jump on the waitlist to have all the details sent to your email!
How to contact Courtney:
Instagram: @theallaccessclassroom
Facebook: @theallaccessclassroom